Monday, May 31, 2010

Day 3 in Sapulpa

Hope everyone had a wonderful Memorial Day. We sure did miss our family today. I think this is the first Memorial Day that we haven't spent together. :-(

Today we packed a picnic lunch and headed to Liberty Park in Sapulpa. It was such a nice little park with a pool, and after lunch we just chilled out there for awhile.

When we got back to the motel, we headed to the pool for a bit. Today we had some company at the pool. One little boy, who looked to be about 3 or so, was afraid to get in the pool and ran right up to Chuck and jumped up on his lap! :-) He was so doggone cute!

Just got back from dinner.......found a pizza place not too far from the motel called Mazzio's. It was a lot like Pizza Hut. It was good, but nuthin' like our good old P&M pizza. ;-)

Well, we made it through the long weekend and hopefully tomorrow we'll get the motor home back and be on our way. Although Sapulpa/Tulsa was not on our vacation agenda, we have enjoyed our visit here and met some of the nicest people we've ever met. Everyone we talked to was friendly and took the time to give us directions and/or advice. What a great area to be stranded in!! We're blessed and grateful.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Day 2 in Sapulpa

Hi everyone...

Today we hopped on the bike and headed over to Jenks, OK....about 10-15 miles from our motel. It was a beautiful bike ride.....very hot....97 degrees. We spent most of the day in Jenks....lunched in a little cafe that reminded me a lot of Panera Bread. Then we headed over to River Walk, which is a lot like our Station Square. There were a bunch of little shops, bistros, restaurants, bars, etc. River Walk is right along the Arkansas River. Right across the river is Tulsa.

We got there a little early and with it being Sunday, most places didn't open until mid-afternoon, so we decided to go see the new Shrek movie in 3D. It was really cute. Then we headed over to Los Cabos, a cool restaurant and biker bar, to listen to a band and have a few drinks. It was a great afternoon.

Got back to the motel and jumped in the pool to cool down. We had the whole pool to ourselves today so that was peaceful and relaxing. All in all, it was a great day.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Stuck in Sapulpa

Well, it was bound to don't take a trip cross country in a 20 year old motor home without expecting to have something go wrong. We left Claremore yesterday heading west on I44. Went maybe 10 miles or so and the old girl started to sputter. Luckily we were near an exit and there was a Ford dealership there. We just made it there before she quit altogether. Unfortunately, since this is a holiday weekend, they were closing early and won't be back til Tuesday, so like it or not, we are spending our Memorial weekend in Sapulpa, OK. Luckily we still have the motorcycle for transportation. We packed up the bare necessities in our saddle bags and off we went to the nearest Days Inn for a few days.

This morning we went for a long ride through town along Route 66. It's a beautiful little town and the people we met are so proud of it. They all but close it down, though, over the weekend. We found some museums and other places of interest, but they were all closed. We happened into a little art/framing shop and the folks we met were so interesting and so kind. The owner took us upstairs of the shop, which used to be an old boarding house back in the day. He has been restoring it for the past 10 years and it was amazing to see, especially the parts of it that were still original. Here's a few pics we took of the town and the boarding house. The folks here are gearing up for their big annual BLOWOUT, on June 5th. They're expecting 20,000 people to descend on this tiny little town for a huge classic car cruise and all the festivities that go along with it. As much as Chuck loves old cars, we are sure hoping that we are LONG GONE from Sapulpa before the big BLOWOUT! :-)

Friday, May 28, 2010

Fun in Claremore

Hi all...

Had so much fun yesterday and this morning visiting with our dear friends, Paul and Martha, who own a small ranch in Claremore, Oklahoma. They treated us to a great dinner at Cotton Eyed Joe's.............mmmm.....great ribs and even better company. We wish we could have spent more time with them!

Here's some pics from our visit.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Hello from Carthage, Missouri

Hi everyone...

Some of you have requested a blog, so here you go. This is my first attempt at blogging so please be kind!! :-)

We have been planning this trip for such a long time. It's so hard to believe we're finally doing it!

Before we left, our grandson, Chuckie, drew us this awesome cartoon of Chuck and me riding on our motorcycle being chased by a bear. Is he talented or what???

This is Day 5 of our trip and so far, there's not been too much to blog about. Other than Saturday evening (5/22) when we left, the weather has been beautiful and the 90's. Thank goodness we have A/C in the motor home and that it works!!

The scenery is beautiful....serene and peaceful....lots of corn fields and cattle farms. Yesterday we drove through the Ozarks. I44 actually looked a lot like Route 28 with a lot of rock formations along the sides of the road. Historic Old Route 66 actually runs parallel to I44 so every now and again you'd see an old General Store still in operation. Probably the most exciting thing we've seen so far is the view of the Arch as we drove past St. Louis.

We've been enjoying just relaxing, stopping for picnic lunches at some of the beautiful rest areas and camping overnight at some of the most beautiful campgrounds we've ever been to.

We are currently in Carthage, Missouri which is about 18 miles from the Oklahoma border. Today, we're going to travel on Old Route 66 to Claremore, Oklahoma, which is just NE of Tulsa, to spend the day with friends who have a ranch there. Hopefully, I'll have some cool pics to post tomorrow.