Monday, May 31, 2010

Day 3 in Sapulpa

Hope everyone had a wonderful Memorial Day. We sure did miss our family today. I think this is the first Memorial Day that we haven't spent together. :-(

Today we packed a picnic lunch and headed to Liberty Park in Sapulpa. It was such a nice little park with a pool, and after lunch we just chilled out there for awhile.

When we got back to the motel, we headed to the pool for a bit. Today we had some company at the pool. One little boy, who looked to be about 3 or so, was afraid to get in the pool and ran right up to Chuck and jumped up on his lap! :-) He was so doggone cute!

Just got back from dinner.......found a pizza place not too far from the motel called Mazzio's. It was a lot like Pizza Hut. It was good, but nuthin' like our good old P&M pizza. ;-)

Well, we made it through the long weekend and hopefully tomorrow we'll get the motor home back and be on our way. Although Sapulpa/Tulsa was not on our vacation agenda, we have enjoyed our visit here and met some of the nicest people we've ever met. Everyone we talked to was friendly and took the time to give us directions and/or advice. What a great area to be stranded in!! We're blessed and grateful.

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