Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Back on the road again....

After a bad start to a VERY long day, we finally got back on the road again around 4:30 this afternoon. The folks at the Ford dealership were stumped for awhile and we were beginning to think that we would have to permanently relocate to Oklahoma. But, two fuel pumps, a fuel regulator switch and $1,400 later, we were finally able to continue on to points west.

I continue to be amazed by the flatness of the land and how far away you can see. There's just no way to capture it on camera. It's like you can see from one end of the earth to the other.

We saw hundreds of windmills along I40 right around Elk City, Oklahoma. It was so amazing to see so many of them. I tried to take a good picture of them, but they are so thin, they don't photograph well, especially when you're going 60 mph. By the way, if you click on the pictures, it will enlarge them.

The sun setting over the prairie was so beautiful, the picture just doesn't do it justice.

Tonight we are camping in Shamrock, Texas. Tomorrow it's off to Amarillo and then on to New Mexico!

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