Thursday, June 3, 2010

Chillin' in Albuquerque

Good evening all...

Not much to blog about today. Had a wonderful outdoor breakfast this morning in Santa Rosa before it got too hot. It has been in the upper 90's and sunny for the past week.

We were hoping to get further north than Albuquerque today, but it was not to be. Had a few errands to run before we hit the road, and then we hit a major traffic jam and sat for an hour and 45 minutes on I25. As frustrating as it was, we found it amusing watching how the folks here in New Mexico handle traffic! They just use the berm of the road to turn around and go back to the nearest on ramp! Unbelievable!

New Mexico is such a beautiful state. We are heading up into the mountains now and the landscape is absolutely gorgeous. Below are some pics I took today.

Tomorrow it's off to Cortez, Colorado.

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