Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Corn, anyone?

This morning we left Galesburg and continued eastward across the state of Illinois. I must say I have never seen so much corn in all my life!! Corn to the left, corn to the right....corn as far as the eye could see!!! Corn....corn....CORN!!

We also saw an awful lot of flooding. It took me a little while to realize that all those ponds and small lakes along the sides the road were, in fact, flooded out areas. There were many corn fields that were partially under water, as well. We had planned to camp around Springfield, IL this evening, but we decided to continue on into Indiana to higher ground. Once place that we had planned to stay was almost completely under water! And the weather report for tonight is again calling for strong storms. These poor folks need a break!

Before we headed out of Illinois, we decided to take a little detour back down to Historic Route 66 in and around Williamsville, Lincoln, Springfield, etc. What we found was a little depressing. Except for a few crazy old gas stations, there really wasn't much to see. Oh well.....

Tonight we parked the camper in Crawfordsville, Indiana. After another long day on the road, it sure felt good to stop and relax this evening. Tomorrow is another day. Good night, all.

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