Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Hello from Santa Rosa, New Mexico

Hi all...

Tonight we are camping in Santa Rosa, New Mexico. It was a beautiful drive from Shamrock, Texas. The landscape started out as very flat prairie lands, cattle ranches, an occasional oil well, and more windmills.

But as we got closer to New Mexico, the terrain changed to much hillier with amazing rock formations....absolutely gorgeous. We took a 10-mile bike ride along a scenic stretch of two-lane road and it was breath-taking! If any of you have seen the movie CARS, it looked exactly like the background scenery in the movie. I wish I could have taken some better pics, but that was the best I could do while hanging on for dear life on the back of the bike. :-) A true "biker chick" I am not!!

As we were riding along, about 10 miles out of Santa Rosa, we came across an ancient adobe village called Puerto de Luna. There are actually people living in a few of the adobe dwellings out in the middle of nowhere. Here's a pic of what's left of the Santa Rosa de Lima Chapel which was built in 1879.

The campground we're staying at is located right on Historic Route 66 and right up the road was an Auto Museum. They had some really cool memorabilia in there, along with some beautiful classic cars. You KNOW Chuck had to check it out.

Tomorrow it's off to Albuquerque!

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