Saturday, June 26, 2010

Friends, fun, and almost home.

Hi all...

Haven't been able to post for a couple days, so this will catch me up.

Spent the past couple days in Indiana. On Thursday, we decided to just do nothing....relax and grill out, go to the pool and make a fire in the evening....just to enjoy camping. We have had the most incredible time on this trip, and we don't regret a second of it, but we really kept ourselves running all the time....not too much down time just to relax and read a book or take a snooze. So it felt wonderful to be lazy for a day.

Yesterday we headed to Losantville, IN to visit with an old friend of Chuck's from his union days. We had such a wonderful time visiting with Dan and his wife, Vicki, and their son and daughter-in-law, Dan and Judy, and their daughter, Dawn. Vicki made us all a delicious dinner, and we sat just BS-ing away until almost midnight! We camped out in their front yard overnight and enjoyed spending this morning with them, as well. It was so refreshing just sitting in their yard with nothing around but the beautiful countryside.

They had 4 of the most beautiful kittens, and I was so impressed with how affectionate they were. They just purred constantly and wanted to be held and petted. I was lovin' that! I wanted to take one home....

Then there was their dog, Chewie. What a sweetheart she was! Poor baby had such a big head, she had to keep resting it. LOL! :-) So cute.

This will be my last post to the blog, as we will be home safe and sound, Lord willing, by tomorrow afternoon. I can't tell you how blessed and grateful we are that we have been able to make this trip. It's been something we've talked about for years, truly a dream come true for us. God is good, and we are grateful!

Thanks to all of our friends and family who cared enough about us to want to read about our trip and keep up with our adventures each day. We love you all and hope that YOUR dreams, whatever they may be, come true someday, too.

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