Saturday, June 5, 2010

Hi to all from Cortez, CO

We arrived here in Cortez yesterday around 3 PM. It was an incredible trip, but not a particularly easy drive for Chuck.....uphill all the way with very gusty winds and a good part of the way was on very windy and narrow, two lane roads. Oh, but the scenery along the way was so gorgeous.........we could see the snow-capped Rockies in the far distance and the closer we got the more beautiful they looked. Our campground here in Cortez is actually at the foot of the Rockies and you can see the mountains no matter which way you look. Incredible sights!

Today we went to the Anasazi Heritage Center in Dolores, CO - about 8 miles from Cortez. It was interesting to learn about the ancient Anasazi they lived, etc. After checking out the museum there, we hiked about 1/2 mile uphill to a spectacular view of McPhee Reservoir and the Rockies. Also at the top of the trail were the ruins of an ancient pueblo. It is amazing to see how they were built and that the walls are still standing after all these years! And to think that sometimes multiple families lived in one pueblo....

Here's a few pics of the pueblo and a video I took at the overlook of the McPhee Reservoir and the Rockies.

Later this evening, it's off to downtown Cortez to the Cultural Center to see native Indian dancing.

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