Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Last day in Deadwood

Hello everyone...

Well, today we hopped on the bike and went to Mt. Moriah Cemetery to see the graves of some of the more famous former residents of Deadwood. Although it was really cool to see where Wild Bill and Calamity Jane are buried, it was very sobering to see how many children died from diphtheria in the late 1800's and how short people's lives were back then. The cemetery still had dirt roads, for the most part, and it was easy to imagine folks walking along the very same paths so very many years ago.

Then it was off to Sturgis! The annual bike rally isn't until August, but we couldn't leave this area without at least checking it out. Sturgis isn't a very big town, and it's hard to believe that they can handle such a huge crowd! There still were a ton of bikers there, just driving through, like we were. We saw lots of cool bars and places to party, and I can only imagine what it's like there during bike week. There actually was a bike rally going on there......a Cushman rally.....these tiny little bikes.....and most of them were owned by senior citizens. I'm telling you, they were having a blast there in Sturgis. :-)

On the way back, we stopped to tour one of the oldest houses in Deadwood....the Adams House. This house had been deserted by it's owners, locked up and left to sit for 50 years with all the furnishings intact. There were still cookies in a cookie jar and reading glasses sitting on an end table. Supposedly, it's haunted......I found it beautiful and fascinating.

Earlier this evening, we went back into town for a last look at Deadwood. Tomorrow, it's off to Mount Rushmore. Good night, all!

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